Agronomy eUpdate August 24th, 2023

Issue 971

Drought and heat stress impacts on soybeans in Kansas

Over the last week, impressive heat has taken hold of Kansas with absolutely no precipitation statewide. Dryland soybean fields are experiencing significant heat and drought stress. This article covers important information related to this stress, including the yield impacts and the use of failed soybeans as a forage.

soybeans drought high temperatures drought stress heat stress 

Soybean yield potential estimation

Estimating soybean yields will provide an opportunity to obtain a more reliable prediction of yields and to scout fields for associated issues before harvest, such as insects, diseases, and other potential production problems. The effects of the current heat wave can be assessed in the coming week in order to obtain a more precise estimate.

soybeans yield estimates yields yield components 

Check herbicide labels before using soybeans for livestock feed

Drought conditions and extreme heat throughout Kansas are forcing farmers to consider harvesting soybeans for forage. The herbicide label is the law, and many herbicide labels do restrict the use of soybeans as a forage. It is important to know the waiting period between the application of a given herbicide and the grazing or harvesting of the soybeans for use as a forage.

soybeans label requirements herbicide forage 

Final irrigation of the growing season - Timing is everything

Producers have an opportunity to improve their water productivity by properly timing their final irrigation application. Traditionally many producers have used a fixed calendar date to determine their final irrigation. Long-term studies in northwest Kansas show the potential problems with this approach.

drought irrigation water conservation 

Sample handling practices affect the accuracy of plant tissue nitrate tests

Plant tissue analysis is valuable for many applications, including evaluating fertilizer management practices, identifying nutrient deficiencies, and determining hay and forage crops' safety and nutritional value. However, the accuracy of these tests is often limited by the quality of the sample that the laboratory receives. Learn about the surprising results of a recent study at K-State.

tissue testing sampling nitrates 

Liming soils for optimum wheat production

Problems of low soil pH are common throughout central and south-central Kansas. Strongly acidic soils may present several problems for wheat production, in particular aluminum toxicity. Where acid soils are causing a reduction in wheat production, plant growth and yield can be significantly improved by liming the soils.

wheat soil pH liming aluminum toxicity 

2023 Kansas Performance Tests with Winter Wheat Varieties report available online

The Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station annually compares both new and currently grown varieties in the state’s major crop-producing areas. These performance tests generate unbiased performance information designed to help Kansas growers select wheat varieties. The results from the 2023 wheat variety tests are now available.

wheat Performance Tests variety trials  

A hot day for the record books in Kansas - August 19, 2023

Less than a month after a late July heat wave brought the hottest temperatures in years to parts of Kansas, another heat wave arrived on Saturday, August 19. This event brought even hotter temperatures to Kansas. This article looks at temperatures recorded at Mesonet stations across the state.

Mesonet weather high temperatures hot weather 

Free Extension webinar on new spray technologies - September 6

There is a free Extension webinar scheduled for September 6 on novel technologies with real-time camera-based weed detection systems for site-specific weed management. The goal of this webinar is to generate awareness and address agricultural stakeholder questions regarding these novel technologies.

weed management webinar technology