Agronomy eUpdate May 18th, 2023

Issue 956

Pre-harvest weed control in wheat

Short, thin wheat stands are generating questions about weed control at this point in the growing season. Broadleaf weeds that grow rapidly at the end of the growing season present several potential concerns. Once wheat has reached the boot stage, there are no herbicide options until wheat begins to dry down and herbicides can be applied as harvest aids.

wheat weed control pre-harvest 

Fusarium head blight outlook and fungicide recommendations

Wet weather has been creeping into northeast Kansas this week resulting in conditions favorable for Fusarium head blight (scab). In this article, we walk through some reminders for fungicide applications for each of these diseases.

disease wheat fusarium head blight thin wheat wheat scab scab 

Sorghum management considerations: Planting practices

There can be considerable environmental variation across Kansas during the growing season for grain sorghum. The most critical planting practices affecting sorghum yield are row spacing, row arrangement, seeding rate/plant population, planting date, and hybrid maturity. Tailoring the right management strategy to your location is critical.

planting grain sorghum seeding rate row spacing planting date plant population 

2023 Wheat Plot Tours - May 18 through June 8

The Department of Agronomy and K-State Research and Extension is hosting several winter wheat variety plot tours in different regions of the state. This article contains the upcoming plot tours for May 19 through June 8. This list will be continuously updated in the coming weeks.

wheat wheat plot tours  

2022 Kansas Corn Yield Contest - High yield management

The Kansas Corn Growers Association, with K-State Research and Extension, conducts an annual yield contest open to all active members of the association. This article summarizes the results from the 82 harvest entries for Kansas in 2022.

Corn Yield Contest yield environment  

Insect activity in alfalfa - May 17, 2023

Problems with alfalfa weevils, coupled with the dry conditions, have been really severe this year. The article gives an update on the current level of weevil activity and what farmers need to know moving forward into late spring/early summer.

alfalfa insects alfalfa weevils 

Wheat Disease Field Day in Manhattan - June 5, 2023

The Department of Plant Pathology and K-State Research and Extension is hosting a wheat disease field day on Monday, June 5 at the Rocky Ford Plant Pathology Farm near Manhattan. This free event is a great opportunity to see several wheat diseases in the field and to learn about the latest K-State wheat disease management and breeding advances.