Agronomy eUpdate May 4th, 2023

Issue 954

Inoculating soybeans is a good insurance policy

When planting soybeans in Kansas, it may be a good insurance policy to inoculate the seed. Inoculation promotes good nodulation, improves nitrogen fixation, and helps ensure a stable yield. Yield response to inoculants can depend on residual soil nitrogen, soil pH, environmental conditions, and other factors.

soybeans inoculation nitrogen fixation 

Several factors affect successful soybean inoculation and nodulation

If soybean plants are chlorotic and nitrogen deficient despite being inoculated, that probably indicates the inoculant has failed. This article discusses how to assess nodulation in the field and what factors can lead to poor nodulation.

soybeans inoculation nodulation nitrogen fixation 

Proper pesticide use: Why should an applicator care?

The label is the law - most pesticide applicators are familiar with that phrase. Yet, pesticides are sometimes used in ways that are inconsistent with product labels. Label directions are written to minimize risks for applicators, bystanders, and the environment. This article explains why applicators should prioritize reading and following pesticide labels.

label requirements herbicide application commercial applicator pesticides 

2023 Wheat Plot Tours - May 10 through May 26

The Department of Agronomy and K-State Research and Extension will host several winter wheat variety plot tours in different regions of the state. This article contains the upcoming plot tours for May 10 through May 26. The plots highlighted in red are still tentative. This list will be continuously updated in the coming weeks.

wheat wheat plot tours  

2023 Research Report for the Southeast Research and Extension Center is online

The latest Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station Research Report is now available online. This report includes preliminary results of research conducted on field production and management practices for crops in southeast Kansas. These field studies are conducted in Parsons and nearby areas.

Spring Crops Field Day in Parsons on May 23

K-State Research and Extension will host its Spring Crops Field Day Tuesday, May 23 at the Southeast Research and Extension Center in Parsons. Topics to be presented include wheat variety tours, corn fungicide management, precision agriculture technology, and growing profitable crops. The event is free and sponsored by PrairieLand Partners.

Field Day  

Save the date - 2023 In-Depth Wheat Diagnostic School

The Department of Agronomy and K-State Research and Extension will host an In-Depth Wheat Diagnostic School on June 2 from 8:00 am to 3:50 pm at the K-State North Central Experiment Field near Belleville. This event will offer six CEU CCA and two 1A PM credits by providing hands-on training on diagnosing wheat production problems.

wheat Wheat Diagnostic School