Agronomy eUpdate February 16th, 2023

Issue 943

Late winter kochia control in fields going to corn or grain sorghum

Last week, we shared some general information about applying pre-emergence herbicides for kochia control. This article focuses on specific recommendations for fields going to corn or grain sorghum this growing season.

kochia pre-plant herbicide weed control pre-emergence 

Native grasses: Management factors during and after stand establishment

This article discusses management factors that are important during and after stand establishment of native grasses. Overgrazing and weed control are the two most important considerations during establishment. After establishment, seeded areas should be managed to promote tillering and to keep the soil covered.

rangeland native grasses 

New sorghum growth and development poster now available

An updated version of the Sorghum Growth and Development poster has been published by K-State Research and Extension. The full-color poster is 20x30 inches, and describes nine stages of growth of the sorghum plant. New features include key management practices associated with each growth stage, updated graphics, and the dry-down progression of the grain until physiological maturity.

sorghum grain sorghum poster growth stage 

Kansas Ag-Climate Update for January 2023

This article provides a short summary of the Ag-Climate Update for January 2023 in Kansas. The full report is linked in this article and includes a brief weather summary, agronomic impacts, relevant maps and graphs, 1-month temperature and precipitation outlooks, monthly extremes, and notable highlights.

weather Climate  

Save the date - Wheat Rx Schools scheduled for early March

Save the date for two Wheat Rx Schools to be held on March 7 in McPherson and March 8 in Russell. Detailed agendas will be available soon. Each school will feature the latest research on how to manage your wheat crop not only for yield but also for quality and sustainability, as well as how growers can capitalize on high protein wheat.

wheat meeting Wheat Rx 

K-State to host Whole Farm Health series beginning Feb. 23

K-State Research and Extension will host a series of three upcoming workshops called "Whole Farm Health: Building Resilience from the Field to the Farmer". The sessions address strategies for building more resilient farm systems through diversified cropping systems, incorporating cover crops, and grazing, as well as how to identify indicators of mental health. Find out more in this article.

soil health workshops mental health 

Crop Talk webinar series will continue through the end of February

There are still two more weeks of the Crop Talk webinar series. This series is focused on agronomic topics for producers in northwest and north central Kansas. The next session on Feb. 21 features Sarah Lancaster sharing information on alternative weed control research from Kansas.

webinars Crop Talk 

K-State Soybean School scheduled for February 22 in Salina

There is still time to register for the K-State Soybean School. This one-day event is set for February 22 in Salina, KS. Some topics that will be covered include crop production practices, soybean breeding update, Kansas Mesonet tools, insect and disease management, and market outlook. Don't miss out on this school!

Soybean Schools meetings  
