Agronomy eUpdate November 10th, 2022

Issue 932

Potential wheat injury due to the upcoming cold temperatures

The sudden sharp drop in temperatures across Kansas this week will cause the wheat crop to go into dormancy. Whether it will injure the wheat to any degree depends on several factors which are described in more detail in this article.

wheat winter hardiness cold tolerance cold injury 

Field equipment maintenance: Winterizing sprayers

Temperatures across Kansas are expected to drop much below normal this weekend, so now is the time to get your field sprayers winterized. This article summarizes some of the key steps to winterizing sprayers.


Value of forage insurance during drought

Over two-thirds of all Kansas counties are experience extreme or exceptional drought. Cattle producers can take several actions to mitigate the impact of drought, including purchasing forage insurance, or Pasture, Rainfall, Forage (PRF) insurance. In this article, we discuss what the PRF is and report PRF payouts to-date by drought status for all 105 Kansas counties.

Drought forage crop insurance 

Save the date for the 2023 Kansas Corn Schools

Save the date for the 2023 Kansas Corn Schools. The Department of Agronomy and K-State Research and Extension, in partnership with Kansas Corn, are planning to host several Corn Schools in 2023. Dates and locations are set and agendas will be announced soon.

corn Corn Schools  

K-State/KARA Crop Production Update: Dec. 7-8 in Manhattan

The 2022 Crop Production Update, hosted by the Kansas Agribusiness Retailers Association (KARA) and in cooperation with K-State Research and Extension, will take place on December 8-9. This training provides the latest research and technological advances in fertilizer and chemical recommendations, soil fertility, soil water and soil conservation, and much more.

KARA meeting crop production