Agronomy eUpdate October 27th, 2022

Issue 930

Considerations for fall applications of anhydrous ammonia

For fall applications of anhydrous ammonia there are a number of factors to consider including soil temperature, soil texture, and soil moisture. This time of year, it is important to not apply anhydrous while soil temperatures are above a certain threshold. Learn more in this article.

fall fertilizer anhydrous anhydrous ammonia soil temperature 

Army cutworm moths in southwest Kansas

Noticeable numbers of army cutworm moths, also called Miller moths, have been observed in a couple locations in western Kansas this year. Army cutworms are late fall and early spring pests of several Kansas crops, especially wheat. In addition to wheat, alfalfa is at risk from army cutworm feeding.

insects army cutworms 

Soybean Cyst Nematode testing is available through KSU Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab

There is still time to take advantage of free Soybean Cyst Nematode testing through the K-State Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab! Don't miss out on this great opportunity. After soybean harvest is a great time to collect soil samples for testing. Confirming the prescence of soybean cyst nematodes is the basis for a successful integrated management program.

soybean cyst nematode Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab SCN 

World of Weeds - Prickly lettuce

Prickly lettuce, also called wild lettuce, can be found in some wheat fields across Kansas. Similar to horseweed and mustard species, fall and early spring are good times to look for prickly lettuce and to apply control measures. Prickly lettuce is drought tolerant and competes with crops for water.

World of Weeds prickly lettuce 

Feedback requested about the War Against Weeds podcast

Have you listened to any of the War on Weeds podcast? If so, your help is requested to help the creators make improvements in the future. Please consider participating in a short, 5-minute survey about the podcast. This article also includes the link to the podcast if you want to catch some past episodes.

survey podcast War on Weeds 

Save the date for the 2022 Crop Pest Management Schools

Save the date for the 2022 Crop Pest Management Schools! This year, two in-person schools will be offered, Nov. 30 in Beloit and Dec. 1 in Grainfield. Each school will feature a variety of topics on weed control, insects, and diseases. Details on how to register are included in this article. Agendas will be announced soon!

Crop Pest Schools  
