Agronomy eUpdate September 22nd, 2022

Issue 925

Soybean seed filling and dry down rate before harvest

This article offers a closer look at the seed-filling process of soybeans. Environmental conditions in the coming days will play a critical role in seed filling and determining final seed weight. Another important process is the dry down rate of soybeans after reaching final maturity. Learn more about this process in this article.

soybeans drydown harvest 

Test to prevent nitrate and prussic acid poisoning

Many Kansas cattle operations rely on some type of harvested feed to use in the winter months and common among those sources is forage sorghum, millets, sorghum-sudangrass, and sudan. When feeding cattles, forages in the sorghum family are prone nitrate poisoning and prussic acid poisoning. Learn the difference and how to test for these before a problem occurs.

cattle prussic acid nitrate toxicity forage testing 

Testing methods for nitrates in forages

When making harvesting or feeding decisions for forages that have potentially accumulated nitrates, our tendency is to want immediate answers. Laboratory analysis is by far the best test of nitrate toxicity. Two types of quick tests exist, and it is important to understand the limitations of these tests when considering their use.

cattle forages nitrate toxicity forage testing nitrates 

Management considerations for no-till wheat following sorghum or other summer crops

With fall harvest progressing at earlier than normal, favorable wheat prices, and many row-crop acres chopped for silage, producers may consider planting wheat back into freshly harvested summer crop residue, especially if they receive some needed rainfall. There are several considerations when seeding wheat immediately after harvest of a summer crop.

wheat grain sorghum glyphosate 

Kansas Ag-Climate Update for August 2022

The month of August brought hot and dry weather across most of Kansas. Substantional drought conditions developed in central Kansas with other areas seeing no improvement. Many areas ranked in the top ten of hottest Augusts on record. Read more in the Kansas Ag-Climate Update for August 2022.

weather Climate 
