Agronomy eUpdate July 7th, 2022

Issue 914

Palmer amaranth control in grain sorghum

Challenging weather conditions in the spring may have resulted in rapidly growing Palmer amaranth in grain sorghum fields. Post-emergence herbicide options in grain sorghum are limited, with the available choices most effective when the weeds are small. This article discusses the pros and cons of key herbicides that can provide control.

grain sorghum palmer amaranth post-emergence 

High temperatures reduce effectiveness of Group 27 herbicides

Applying certain herbicides when air temperatures are high could reduce their effectiveness on controlling Palmer amaranth. Research conducted at K-State described two key changes about how Palmer amaranth responds to applications of mesotrione (Callisto) under high temperatures.

palmer amaranth high temperatures post-emergence hot weather Group 27 herbicides 

Weather averages and extremes in Kansas for the first half of 2022

The most predictable aspect of the weather in Kansas is that it is unpredictable. We can learn a lot from looking at how temperature and precipitation measurements compare to the 30-year normal. This article examines 20 Mesonet station all across Kansas and how this first half of 2022 compares to the last 30 years.

weather Climate 

Kansas River Valley Experiment Field Fall Field Day, August 9

Get registered for the 2022 Kansas River Valley Experiment Fall Field Day on August 9. The event will kick-off at 5:00 pm with presentations from K-State researchers and conclude with a BBQ meal. There is no fee to attend, but pre-registration is requested. Learn more in this article!

Fall Field Day  

K-State East Central Experiment Field Fall Field Day, August 17

Everyone is invited to attend the 2022 East Central Experiment Fall Field Day on August 17. The event will take place at the Ottawa Experiment Field. This is a free event and no pre-registration is required. On-site registration, with refreshments, will begin at 9 a.m. with the program starting at 9:30. Stay for a free lunch at noon. All the details are in this article!

Fall Field Day  
