Agronomy eUpdate June 2nd, 2022

Issue 909

Considerations for weed control following wheat harvest

Post-harvest weed control in wheat stubble is very important to conserve critical soil moisture and prevent weeds from going to seed and adding to the weed seedbank. This year, it will be especially important to be ready to spray after wheat harvest because of less cover from shorter and thinner wheat than we have seen in the last few years in many areas. When thinking about weed control in wheat stubble, there are two priorities – controlling already emerged weeds and preventing later flushes.

wheat weed control 

Optimal time for sampling corn nematode is between V5 to V7 growth stage

There are many disease organisms that can reduce corn yields in Kansas. One of the stealthiest is the root-lesion nematode (RLN) because it operates below ground on the roots and often has no specific, identifiable symptoms other than yield loss. It is present, at some level, in nearly all corn fields in the state. Historically the largest yield losses, which can exceed 40 percent in individual fields, occur in western Kansas where irrigated, no-till, continuous corn production systems in sandy soils are common. Learn more about when and how to inspect RLN in your corn field.

corn nematodes sampling 

Free Soybean Cyst testing from the K-State Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab

Soybean cyst nematode (SCN) can cause severe yield reduction and it’s has been confirmed in 59 counties in Kansas (Figure 1). It is important to monitor SCN levels regularly to determine if management strategies, such as variety resistance and crop rotation, have been successful. Testing for SCN is the first step for a successful integrated management program, which is currently free. This article provides the information you need to collect and submit your sample to the K-State Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab.

soybean cyst nematode testing 

Soil Health Matrix Decision Tool: A new free tool for producers

There is a new option in the toolbox for producers looking to implement a new soil health practice. The Soil Health Matrix Decision Tool is a free tool that was recently developed by the Soil Health Nexus and a regional advisory team with support from the North Central Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program. It is designed to assess the effects of current and future management practices on soil health. Producers can use this comparative tool to get an overall feel for practices that benefit soil health and learn which management decisions may be the best fit for their operation.

soil soil health tool 

Double cropping options after wheat

Double cropping after wheat harvest can be a high-risk venture. The available growing season is relatively short. Heat and/or dry conditions in July and August may cause problems with germination, emergence, seed set, or grain fill. Ample soil moisture this year can aid in establishing a successful crop after wheat harvest. Read more about herbicide carryover potential and management considerations for double cropping with soybeans, sorghum, sunflowers, summer annual forages, and corn.

wheat soybeans sorghum double crop summer annual forage sunflower 

Wheat Tour Schedule 2022

The Department of Agronomy and K-State Research and Extension will host several more winter wheat variety plot tours this week. Make plans to attend a plot tour near you to see and learn about the newest available and upcoming wheat varieties, their agronomics, and disease reactions.

wheat wheat plot tours 
