Agronomy eUpdate May 5th, 2022

Issue 905

Does Grazing Cover Crops Impact Soil Properties?

Cover crops are typically used by producers in dryland no-till cropping systems to improve soil health, reduce soil compaction, enhance nutrient cycling, improve soil structure, and improve water infiltration. Read more from this study about how grazing of cover crops can be a viable management option to intensify no-till crop production, improve soil health, and maintain or increase overall system profitability.

cover crops grazing soil properties 

Considerations for Pasture Turn-out

It has been a late spring in 2022 across most of Kansas. Lack of fall and winter moisture has delayed plant growth this spring. Now the question is when should I turn-out livestock on my pastures? Historically, this decision has been referred to as range readiness, especially on seasonally grazed pastures. Range readiness occurs when plants have had the opportunity to make good growth and grazing may begin without damage to the vegetation or soil. As pastures start to green-up the temptation is to start grazing as soon as possible. Initially, plants use stored food reserves to start growth. Read more about how to make the best decision for your pastures and livestock considerations.

cattle pasture rangeland 

Control of Volunteer Enlist Corn in Enlist E3 Soybean

Recent development of Enlist corn allows the use of 2,4-D choline (Enlist One), glyphosate (Roundup PowerMax), glufosinate (Liberty), and aryloxyphenoxypropio-nate (FOPs) herbicides for controlling grass and broadleaf weeds. However, volunteer Enlist corn plants can cause infestation in subsequent Enlist E3 soybean (resistant to 2,4-D, glyphosate, and glufosinate) in areas where a corn-soybean rotation is commonly practiced. Read more in a study about control of volunteer Enlist corn in Enlist E3 soybean.

soybeans Enlist herbicides volunteer corn 

Wheat Disease Update: May 4th 2022

Your wheat disease update as of May 4, 2022, is here! As wheat moves into the flowering stage of growth in southeast Kansas and into heading and boot stages of growth in central Kansas, there are a few diseases that are on the mind of many producers and advisors, including: rusts (stripe and leaf); Fusarium head blight (scab); and wheat streak mosaic virus (and related viruses). In this article you’ll learn about the current outlook for these diseases, and the potential need for management.

wheat disease wheat rust 

2022 Canola Field Days - May 12

The K-State Research and Extension canola program will hosts two field day events on May 12. The latest research, variety, and production information on winter canola will be featured at 2 different locations on May 12. The field days are an opportunity to see winter canola variety trials and producers’ fields. Experimental and new varieties will be on display and information will be shared about K-State’s hybrid parent line development program.

canola Field Day 

Wheat Tour Schedule 2022

The Department of Agronomy and K-State Research and Extension will host several winter wheat variety plot tours in different regions of the state, starting May 11, 2022. Make plans to attend a plot tour near you to see and learn about the newest available and upcoming wheat varieties, their agronomics, and disease reactions.

wheat wheat plot tours 
