Getting kochia under control in any cropping system that includes wheat begins with the wheat crop during the spring, and shortly after wheat harvest. This is not always easy, even if early spring herbicide applications for kochia control were made. While a majority of kochia emerges early in the spring, emergence can extend over a period of weeks or months. A herbicide applied early in the spring will need to have residual activity to be effective on later-emerging kochia.
Soybeans acreage projections in Kansas are up 3% this season over the previous year (USDA prospective planting report). As seed cost is a critical economic factor, selecting the proper seeding rate is a key management practice. This article provides a summary of the main factors in determining soybean seeding rates.
Alfalfa weevil larvae continue to be very active in Kansas. Larvae started hatching about 3 weeks ago, and are still doing so even in treated fields. Scout your fields!
With dry conditions throughout Kansas, disease pressure has been below average in most scouted locations. At the time of publication of this article, there have been no reports of either stripe rust or leaf rust in Kansas. Additionally, there have been reports of low rust pressure in both Oklahoma and Texas. Dry conditions in the region may be suppressing disease development.
Cropland can be quite susceptible to wind erosion under some conditions. Cooler-than-normal temperatures and drought conditions may limit vegetative growth and cover. Burning or removing crop residues for forage creates a particularly serious hazard. Winter wheat and other fall-planted crop fields also may be susceptible during periods of low cover in the winter and early spring. This is particularly true during drought.
Join us at the K-State Agricultural Research Center in Hays, KS to learn about soil health principles, soil management, and carbon credits and get hands on experience conducting field demonstrations and field assessments. RSVP to Stacie Minson at 785-769-3297 or by May 15th