Agronomy eUpdate February 17th, 2022

Issue 893

Side-dress nitrogen applications for corn: Agronomic considerations and a new crop insurance endorsement

A common concern with side-dress nitrogen applications occurs when producers are unable to apply nitrogen due to wet or poor soil conditions. To help mitigate this risk, the Risk Management Agency (RMA) announced a new crop insurance option (“endorsement”) for northeast Kansas corn farmers who split-apply nitrogen.

nitrogen fertilizer corn crop insurance Side-dress 

Cover crop termination considerations

Now is the time to begin considering how to terminate winter cover crops in preparation for summer crops. Some cover crop species are likely to be killed by freezing over the winter. But, many cover crops will need to be terminated by mechanical or chemical methods in the spring. Learn more in this article!

weeds herbicide termination Cover Crops 

Ten commonly asked questions when pondering dry ponds

During the winter or after a drought is a good time to inspect ponds and decide if any maintenance is needed, such as cleaning out the sediment or sealing leaks. This article addresses ten commonly asked questions about dry ponds.

drought ponds 

Late winter kochia control in fields going to corn or grain sorghum

Last week, we shared some general information about applying pre-emergence herbicides for kochia control. This article focuses on specific recommendations for fields going to corn or grain sorghum this growing season.

grain sorghum corn weed control kochia 

2021 Kansas Performance Tests with Soybean Varieties report now available

The 2021 Kansas Performance Tests with Soybean Varieties report is now online and in print form. Producers, crop consultants, and others can use this resource to help select soybean varieties for their operation by checking for varieties that show a consistently good performance in their region.

soybeans Performance Tests variety trials 

Correction to the 2022 Chemical Weed Control Guide for Reviton

Despite our pre-publication reviews, we have found an error in the 2022 Chemical Weed Control Guide. The product Reviton should not be applied to emerged crops. Corrections have been made to the online version of the Chemical Weed Control Guide. This article provides the corrections for those with a paper copy.

herbicide Weed Control Guide  

K-State CropTalk webinar series returns in 2022

There are three remaining CropTalk webinars left on the calendar. The next one will take place on February 21 at noon (CT). The topic is how to best manage soil fertility during record high fertilizer prices. Get registered for this one and look ahead to the rest of the series.

webinars crops  
