Agronomy eUpdate December 2nd, 2021

Issue 884

Safety first when planning deep tillage or earthwork: Call before you dig!

With harvest complete and some mild temperatures heading into winter, farmers might take to the field for deep tillage or other earthwork repairs. Be sure to take the proper steps before starting these activities, including checking for underground utilities. Call before you dig!

deep tillage safety soil 

Profiles in Soil: Home on the Range with the Lancaster soil

This article highlights the Lancaster soil series. This soil is found throughout central Kansas, mainly on hillslopes. An eye-catching feature of the Lancaster are the bright red colors seen throughout its profile. Learn more about this Kansas rangeland soil in this article: Profiles in Soil.

soil rangeland 

Save the Date: K-State Soybean Schools scheduled for late January and early February

Save the date for one of the K-State 2022 Soybean Schools! A series of six schools, sponsored by the Kansas Soybean Commission, are scheduled at locations across the state in late January/early February. Agendas for each location will be released soon. Get registered today!

soybeans Soybean Schools  

Kansas Forage and Grassland Council and K-State to Host Winter Forage Conference, Dec. 8

The Kansas Forage and Grassland Council and Kansas State University will host their annual Winter Forage Conference from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Thursday, December 8 at the Harvey County 4-H Building, Newton, Kansas. Registration is open, don't miss out!

Winter Forage Conference  

2021 Crop Pest Management Schools - December 8, 9, and 21

It's not too late to make plans to attend one of the 2021 Crop Pest Management Schools. For the in-person schools, you can register at the door. Online registration for the virtual school is still open. Pricing and program agendas can be found in this article.
