Agronomy eUpdate October 7th, 2021

Issue 876

Wheat planting conditions in Kansas: Early October 2021

Much needed rainfall was received for many areas of Kansas in the last week. However, some regions are still very dry. This article discussed the soil moisture status for the state, the upcoming precipitation forecast, and recommendations for producers that still have wheat to plant.

wheat planting soil moisture planting conditions 

Testing methods for nitrates in forages

In last week's eUpdate, nitrate and prussic acid poisoning was discussed when feeding cattle certain types of forages. In this follow-up article, we share information on the different tests available and how to collect a representative sample.

fall forage hay prussic acid nitrate toxicity forage testing 

Get control of fall-emerged marestail before next spring

Marestail or "horseweed" is a challenging weed to manage in no-till or minimum till systems. Fall-emerged marestail can be difficult to control if allowed to grow until planting in the following spring. Different control options are available for use in the fall while plants are still small.

weed control marestail herbicide resistance residual herbicides 

Control annual weeds with fall-applied herbicides ahead of corn and sorghum

With row crop harvest well underway, it is time to start planning fall herbicide applications. Herbicide applications in late October through November can improve control of difficult winter annual weeds.

herbicide resistance annual weeds fall-applied herbicides 

Free soybean cyst nematode testing from the K-State Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab

Now is the time to be testing fields for soybean cyst nematode. The K-State Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab is now offering FREE soybean cyst nematode testing for Kansas producers. Proper sample collection and shipment is key. Learn more in this article.

soybean cyst nematode disease Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab 

Weed management, weed escapes, and targeted control practices survey

A collaborative research project is underway with weed scientists from Kansas State, University of Nebraska, and University of Wisconsin. As part of this effort, they have created a survey for growers, consultants, and extension personnel. Learn how to participate in this effort in this article.

survey weed control  

Kansas Bankers Association Conservation Awards - Nominations due Dec. 3

Nominate a deserving Kansas producer or landowner who has made outstanding progress in practicing conservation for the 2021 Kansas Bankers Association Conservation Awards Program. In 2020, 197 Kansas producers and landowners were recognized through this program.

soil conservation water conservation awards