Agronomy eUpdate September 30th, 2021

Issue 875

Soybean dry down rate before harvest

Soybeans will reach final maturity with high seed water content, moving from 90% to around 60% from beginning of seed filling until final maturity. The dry down rate depends on a few factors including maturity group, planting date, and weather conditions.

soybeans drydown harvest 

Management considerations for no-till wheat following sorghum or other summer crops

With fall harvest progressing earlier than normal, favorable wheat prices, and upcoming rainfall chances, many producers are considering planting wheat back into freshly harvested summer crop residue. Several management considerations are discussed in this article.

no-tillage wheat glyphosate pre-harvest desiccant 

Test to prevent nitrate and prussic acid poisoning

Many Kansas cattle operations rely on some type of harvested feed to use in the winter months. Forages in the sorghum family are prone to two different problems for feeding cattle, nitrate poisoning and prussic acid poisoning. Learn about how to test for these and key characteristics of each toxin.

grazing sorghum forage prussic acid nitrate toxicity sudan millet 

Control woody plants on rangeland: Basal bark and cut-stump herbicide applications

Late summer and fall can be an excellent time to treat unwanted stands of woody plants. Scattered stands of individual trees should either be treated individually using the basal bark method or the cut stump treatment method.

woody plants rangeland herbicide application 

Free soybean cyst nematode testing is available from the K-State Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab

Soybean cyst nematode is a major problem in soybean fields throughout eastern and central Kansas. The K-State Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab is now offering free soybean cyst nematode testing for Kansas producers while funding lasts. After soybean harvest is a great time to sample your fields.

soybeans soybean cyst nematode soil testing disease Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab 

Weed management, weed escapes, and targeted control practices survey

A collaborative research project is underway with weed scientists from Kansas State, University of Nebraska, and University of Wisconsin. As part of this effort, they have created a survey for growers, consultants, and extension personnel.

survey weed control  
