Agronomy eUpdate September 16th, 2021

Issue 873

In-furrow fertilizers for wheat

Wheat is considered a highly responsive crop to band-applied fertilizers, particularly phosphorus. Wheat plants typically show a significant increase in fall tillers and better root development with the use of starter fertilizer.

wheat fall fertilizer nitrogen fertilizer starter fertilizer phosphorus in-furrow 

Weed management practices: Fall scouting for weeds

Weeds that escape control by in-season management practices can cause several problems, including the possibility of reduced harvest efficiency and crop yield. Scouting for weeds at harvest is an important practice for planning future weed management.

weeds scouting crop scouting 

Grain sorghum yield potential: An on-farm calculation

Estimating crop yields before harvest can be variable, but producers often like to know about the potential yield of their crops. As the sorghum crop gets closer to full maturity, yield estimates will be more accurate because the seed weight will be closer to being set.

grain sorghum yield potential yields 

Grain sorghum yield potential: Understanding the main yield components

In order to best estimate the yield potential of grain sorghum, you need to understand the main plant components of sorghum yield. These components are the main yield-driving factors. Learn about these factors and the roles they play in determining final grain sorghum yields.

grain sorghum yield estimates yield components 

Insect update: The Year of the Worm

Kansans, particularly those that farm or tend their lawns, might end up remembering 2021 as the "Year of the Worm". Here is the latest fall worms update from Extension Entomology.

wheat insects alfalfa army cutworms armyworms fall armyworms