Agronomy eUpdate September 9th, 2021

Issue 872

Alfalfa management: Deciding on last cutting this fall

Alfalfa will quit growing after the first hard freeze, which can be as early as October 1 or as late as November 1. The decision should be weather-based at this time of the year because the timing of the last two cuttings impacts the winter survival and productivity of the stand in the following year.

alfalfa forage dormancy last cutting 

Common causes of late-season stalk lodging in corn

Stalk lodging in corn occurs when the stalk weakens and breaks at some point below the ear. When this occurs, it results in harvest losses and slows down harvest. This article discusses the most common causes for stalk lodging in corn.

stalk rot corn lodging 

Tips on scouting for Dectes stem borer in soybeans

The Dectes stem borer is native to Kansas and can infest soybeans. Insect damage to the stem makes the plant very susceptible to lodging, which may result in harvest losses. Scouting for Dectes while the soybeans are still green can assist in helping avoid more yield loss at harvest.

soybeans insects dectes stem borer 

Planting wheat too early can lead to several problems

Early sowing of wheat can lead to several problems, from increased chances of insect- or mite-transmitted viral diseases to decreased emergence. Growers should consider planting around the optimum window if possible.

wheat planting dual purpose optimum planting dates 

Wheat planting - Consider seed treatments this year

As wheat planting draws closer in Kansas, fungicide seed treatments are strongly advised. Fungicide seed treatments are an important and highly effective tool for controlling common bunt and a host of other seed-borne diseases.

wheat seed treatment fusarium head blight fungicides common bunt 

Kansas Ag-Climate Update for August 2021

The month of August brought mostly warm and dry conditions for Kansas, with some isolated areas of heavy rain. The dry weather stressed corn, sorghum, and soybeans in many regions. Read about all the agronomic impacts in the Ag-Climate Update for August 2021.

weather Climate Update