Agronomy eUpdate August 5th, 2021

Issue 867

Liming prior to fall seeding of alfalfa

Correcting acidic soil conditions through the application of lime can have a significant impact on crop yields, especially for alfalfa. Learn how to determine if lime is needed, the optimum rates and application method, proper timing, and sources in this article.

fall-applied alfalfa lime application soil pH 

Sorghum midge activity in the Southwest

Grain sorghum is in various stages of flowering in the southwest right now. Once flowering begins, growers might want to keep an eye out for sorghum midge. Learn the best way to scout for these pests and how to properly identify midge damage to sorghum.

insects grain sorghum scouting sorghum midge 

Don't miss out on entering the 2021 Kansas Corn Yield Contest

Corn fields in Kansas are rapidly approaching maturity and harvest is just around the corner! Don't forget to sign up for the 2021 Corn Yield Contest. Initial entry deadlines are coming up soon. See this article for more information on this year's contest.

corn Corn Yield Contest  

Kansas Ag-Climate Update for July 2021

The month of July was drier than normal on average for Kansas. Some areas in the southeast were particularly wet however. Statewide average temperature was cooler than normal which slowed down changes in the US Drought Monitor. The July Ag-Climate discusses the associated agronomic impacts of July's weather.

weather Climate  
