Agronomy eUpdate May 6th, 2021

Issue 853

Early-season weed control in cotton

Early season weed control is particularly important in cotton as it can be slow to develop a crop canopy. Learn the best strategies for keeping weeds at bay in your cotton fields this spring and summer.

weed control cotton pre-plant herbicide residual herbicides 

2021 Kansas wheat plot tours to start on May 10

The Department of Agronomy and K-State Research and Extension will host several face-to-face winter wheat variety plot tours in different regions of the state, starting May 10, 2021. Make plans to attend a plot tour near you. See this article for a list of locations and dates.

wheat plot tours  

Wheat disease update - May 6, 2021

This article summarizes the various wheat disease reports from across Kansas this past week. Several diseases are showing up in different locations, so now is the time to be actively scouting wheat fields.

wheat disease stripe rust leaf rust wheat streak mosaic 

Inoculating soybeans is a good insurance policy

When planting soybeans in Kansas, it may be a good insurance policy to inoculate the seed. There are several reasons why soybean inoculation is a good idea. Learn more about the benefits in this article.

soybeans inoculation nodulation 

Several factors affect successful soybean inoculation and nodulation

If soybean plants appear nitrogen deficient despite being inoculated, this probably indicates that the inoculant failed. Learn how to assess nodulation of soybean roots in the field and what factors can cause poor nodulation.

soybeans nitrogen inoculation nodulation 

Identification and control of buckbrush and western snowberry in Kansas

Buckbrush and western snowberry are native shrubs found in Kansas. Both species occur on rangelands and as an understory species in woodlands. Buckbrush and western snowberry are generally considered undesirable in areas being grazed by cattle.

rangeland buckbrush snowberry shrubs 

Does a quiet April mean a quiet tornado season in Kansas?

The spring tornado season is Kansas has been quiet so far. Does a quiet April give any clues about what the rest of the spring and summer will bring to Kansas? Learn more in this article from the K-State Weather and Climate team.

weather severe weather tornado 

Spring Crops Field Day in Parsons on May 19

K-State Research and Extension will host its Spring Crops Field Day in person on Wednesday, May 19 at the Southeast Research and Extension Center in Parsons. Get registered to attend this in-person event! Topics and speakers are detailed in this article.

Field Day  

Winter Canola Field Day on May 13 in Kingman County

Don't miss the Winter Canola Field Day scheduled for May 13 in Kingman County. The latest research, variety, and production information will be presented. This article provides all the details about this event.

canola Field Day  
