Agronomy eUpdate January 14th, 2021

Issue 834

Extension Weed Science launches a new podcast on battling weeds

Weed Science Extension specialists have teamed up to launch a new podcast about the ongoing fight to control weeds. The first episode of "War Against Weeds" is available online with more episodes to follow. Check it out!

weed control podcast War on Weeds 

Summer row crop disease summary for Kansas in 2020

In general, disease pressure was lower than normal for corn, soybeans, and grain sorghum. The dry weather at critical growth periods contributed to lower incidences of yield-limiting diseases. Read more in this article from Extension Plant Pathology.

soybeans sorghum corn summary row crops diseases  

Look back at Kansas weather for each month of 2020

This article offers a quick highlight reel of the significant weather events that occurred over each month of 2020 for Kansas. Do you remember them all?

weather summary  

Two new soybean publications are available online

Two soybean publications have been released and are available online. Kansas Soybean Management has been updated for 2021. Also, a new study on the relationship between yield and soybean seed composition is also available.

soybeans publication  

2021 Kansas Corn School webinar series

There is still time to register for three winter learning sessions for Kansas corn producers. These sessions will be held virtually with a question and answer session to follow. Don't miss this opportunity to learn about the latest research and product information.

Corn Schools virtual  

North Central Experiment Field Winter Update - January 27

Save the date to attend the virtual North Central Experiment Field Winter Update on January 27 from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm via Zoom. Registration information is included in this updated article.

virtual meeting experiment field 

Cover Your Acres Winter Conference goes virtual on January 19

There is still time to register for the 18th annual Cover Your Acres Winter Conference. This year's program has been shortened to one afternoon and will be presented virtually. Admission is free but registration is required. Don't miss this premier event!

Cover Your Acres virtual