Agronomy eUpdate November 13th, 2020

Issue 827

Check terraces now for needed repairs and maintenance

Over 9 million acres of land in Kansas is protected by more than 290,000 miles of terraces, making it second in the U.S. for this conservation practice. Repairs and upkeep are sometimes needed to keep these structures performing well.

soil conservation soil erosion terraces 

Safety first when planning deep tillage or earthwork: Call before you dig!

After harvest is often a good time for deep tillage such as ripping, or to make earthwork repairs around the farm. Always call before doing any deep tillage or earthwork.


Factors to consider in winter survival of wheat

The official start of winter is still over a month away, but Kansas has already experienced winter-like weather this fall. This article discusses some of the factors to consider when evaluating the outlook for winter survival of wheat.

wheat winter hardiness winter survival 

Update on drought conditions in Kansas - November 13, 2020

While certain areas of Kansas received some precipitation in the last week, much of the state remains quite dry. Did the rainfall result in a change in drought status for those areas? What is expected for the next week in Kansas? Read more in this article from the Kansas Climate team.


Special Update - 2020 Crop Pest Management Schools

Please read this updated announcement regarding the 2020 Crop Pest Management Schools scheduled for three locations in December. More information will be coming soon.

COVID-19 virtual Crop Pest Schools 

Food-Energy-Water study in central High Plains asks for producers' input

To help sustain farms and communities in western KS and neighboring states in the Central Arkansas River Basin, a Food-Energy-Water study is underway to expand use of wind and solar energy to support agriculture. Please consider completing a short survey if you live in this study region.
