Agronomy eUpdate September 25th, 2020

Issue 820

Soybean dry down rate before harvest

Soybeans reach final maturity at a relatively high water content. Dry down rates depends on a few factors such as the maturity group, planting date, and environmental conditions at the end of the season.

soybeans drydown crop development 

Sorghum development and potential freeze injury

Grain sorghum maturity is significantly ahead of last year and close to the 5-year average. What effect did the early September cold snap have on crop development? Will the remaining sorghum reach maturity before the first freeze? Read more here from K-State Agronomy.

sorghum grain sorghum freeze injury cold temperatures 

Control woody plants on rangeland: Basal bark and cut-stump herbicide applications

Fall can be an excellent time to treat unwanted stands of woody plants on rangeland. Learn about two different treatment methods: basal bark and cut-stump applications.

woody plants rangeland 

Fall control of bindweed

Field bindweed is a deep-rooted perennial weed that severely reduces crop yields and land value. Classified as a noxious weed in Kansas, it can be found in every county. Single herbicide applications are often not effective.

weed control bindweed noxious weed 

World of Weeds: Bur ragweed or woollyleaf bursage

This month's World of Weeds feature plant is bur ragweed, also known as woollyleaf bursage. Bur ragweed is broadleaf perennial weed and is classified as a noxious weed in KS. A deep rooting system allows it to survive extended periods of drought, making it difficult to control.

World of Weeds bur ragweed noxious weed woollyleaf bursage 

K-State wheat specialists release informative videos on wheat production

A new resource is now available for Kansas wheat growers and other interested stakeholders. Check out the new KSU Wheat YouTube channel. This channel will feature informative videos on a wide range of wheat production topics.

wheat videos YouTube 
