Agronomy eUpdate September 4th, 2020

Issue 817

Winter canola planting considerations

The planting window for winter canola in Kansas arrives by early September. Learn about key points to ensure that plant development is optimized for surviving the extremes of the Kansas climate.

planting canola 

Alfalfa management: Deciding on last cutting this fall

Alfalfa will stop growing after the first hard freeze. The timing of the last two cuttings impacts the winter survival and influences stand productivity the following year.

alfalfa forage final cutting 

Learn about the rate of dry down in corn before harvest

As the end of the growing season arrives in Kansas, a common question from growers relates to the dry down for corn. This rate depends on the weather, primarily temperature and moisture conditions. Learn more in this article from Dr. Ciampitti.

drydown corn 

Evaluation of cool-season cover crop varieties

A new publication has been released from the NRCS Plant Materials Program that summarizes a 2-year evaluation of 56 commercially available varieties of cool-season cover crops. Use this resource to make informed decisions when planting cover crops this fall.

cover crops cool season 

Don't miss the 2020 Kansas Soybean Yield and Value Contests

All soybean growers in Kansas are invited to participate in the 2020 Kansas Soybean Yield and Value Contests. Don't miss this opportunity to showcase your high yields this year!

Soybean Yield Contest  

2021 soybean planting intentions survey - Producer input requested

Calling all Kansas soybean growers! Please consider completing a very short survey about your 2021 soybean planting intentions. Results from the survey will guide fall and winter extension programs.


Kansas Bankers Association Conservation Awards Program

Nominate a deserving Kansas producer or landowner for the 2020 Kansas Bankers Association Conservation Awards Program. In 2019, 210 Kansas producers and landowners were recognized through this program.

conservation award