Agronomy eUpdate August 28th, 2020

Issue 816

In-furrow fertilizers for wheat

Wheat is considered a highly responsive crop to band-applied fertilizers, particularly phosphorus. Wheat plants typically show a significant increase in fall tillers and better root development with the use of starter fertilizer.

wheat starter fertilizer phosphorus in-furrow 

Cover crop response to herbicides

Cover crop response to herbicides will be influenced by a number of factors, including biological and biochemical characteristics of the plant, chemical characteristics of the herbicide, and weather conditions since herbicide application.

cover crops herbicide carryover residual herbicides 

Final irrigation of the growing season - Timing is everything

As the growing season wraps up, producers have an opportunity to improve their water productivity by properly timing their final irrigation application. The goal should be matching available water to crop needs while avoiding excess.


Understanding soybean seed filling: Contribution to yield

There is still quite a bit of yield to be defined for soybeans in the next month. With most of the crop entering seed filling, weather conditions will be critical with respect to final seed weights.

soybeans drydown yield biomass accumulation 

Reports of sugarcane aphid on grain sorghum in Kansas

The sugarcane aphid has now been reported in several counties in Kansas . Producers should be scouting their fields on a routine basis. Read more about scouting methods and treatment thresholds in this article.

sorghum sugarcane aphid SCA 

World of Weeds: Hophornbeam copperleaf

This World of Weeds article features a weed with a funny name, but one that can be a serious problem – especially if residual herbicides are not used. Learn all about Hophornbeam copperleaf and how to control it.

World of Weeds