Agronomy eUpdate August 14th, 2020

Issue 814

Planning your wheat fertility program: Start now by soil testing

Wheat producers are encouraged to utilize soil testing to aid in making accurate fertilizer decisions. Now is the time to get samples taken and submitted for analysis. Read more in this article from soil fertility specialist, Dorivar Ruiz Diaz.

wheat soil testing 

Make an informed decision when selecting the best wheat variety

Wheat producers are faced with an increasing number of varieties from which to choose. This article provides a step-by-step guideline, as well as relevant resources, to help producers make a better decision when selecting one or a few varieties to plant in their operation.

wheat yield potential variety selection disease resistance 

Updated 'Seed Treatment Fungicides for Wheat Disease Management 2020' now available

Seed treatments are an important part of wheat production in Kansas. An updated version of the K-State publication MF2955, Seed Treatment Fungicides for Wheat Disease Management 2020 is now available.

wheat fungicide seed treatment 

Managing low-quality wheat seed

Seed quality can be impacted by certain diseases that were prevalent during the growing season. Producers should take certain steps when sowing lower quality wheat to help achieve a good stand.

seed quality germination testing wheat seed 

2020 Kansas Corn Yield Contest - Registration deadline August 31

The registration deadline for the 2020 Kansas Corn Yield Contest is just a couple weeks away! Don't miss this opportunity to enter your high-yielding crop in the contest! Registration deadline is August 31.

Corn Yield Contest  

K-State to host two virtual fall field days - August 26 & 27

K-State Research and Extension is hosting two virtual Fall Field Days in late August. Each event is free and open to the public. Details on speakers and how to register are included in this article.

virtual Fall Field Day 

Kansas weed survey - Reminder to participate before August 31

Please consider completing a short survey on herbicide resistant weed control. The survey will close at the end of August. Information collected will help develop innovative, cost-effective and integrated weed management practices for Kansas farmers.

weeds survey herbicide resistance 

Soil Health Partnership Field Day - August 18

Don't miss out on the Soil Health Partnership Field Day scheduled for August 18. Two sessions are available - a morning session beginning at 8 a.m. and an evening session at 5:30 p.m. Details are included in this article.

soil health Field Day 
