Agronomy eUpdate August 7th, 2020

Issue 813

Liming prior to fall seeding of alfalfa

Correcting acidic soil conditions through the application of lime can have a significant impact on crop yields, especially for alfalfa. Liming is one of the most essential, but often overlooked, management decisions a producer can make for alfalfa production.

alfalfa lime application soil pH 

Status of disease pressure in corn and soybeans

What diseases are cropping up in corn and soybean fields this summer? For corn, most fungicide applications have been made, except for late-planted fields. Soybeans are generally looking good. Read more about what diseases have been found in soybean fields.

soybeans corn disease southern rust gray leaf spot foliar diseases 

Summary of the 2020 Kansas wheat growing season

From extreme drought and harsh spring freezes to an almost stress-free growing season; variability is the key word describing the 2020 winter wheat growing season in Kansas.

wheat growing season 

Kansas weed survey - Reminder to participate before August 31

Herbicide-resistant weeds are threatening the profitability and long-term sustainability of Kansas cropping systems. We are seeking input on this issue from Kansas farmers and agriculture professionals.

weeds survey herbicide resistance 

Update on the fall weather outlook for Kansas - August 6, 2020

The fall weather outlook can be complex and is reliant on many various patterns across the globe. Many changes in regions outside the United States impact our persistent patterns.What weather pattern is most likely for Kansas this fall?

weather fall Climate ENSO outlooks 

Ag-Climate Update for July 2020

The Ag-Climate Update is a joint effort between our climate and extension specialists. The update includes a brief summary of that month, agronomic impacts, relevant maps and graphs, 1-month temperature and precipitation outlooks, monthly extremes, and notable highlights.

weather Climate July 

Soil Health Partnership Field Day - August 18

The Soil Health Partnership Field Day will be held on August 18 at Guetterman Brothers Family Farms in Spring Hill, KS. A morning and evening session will be offered. Registration is required. Details are included in this article.

soil health Field Day 
