In many areas of Kansas, prolonged drought has resulted in short wheat and thin stands. Harvesting wheat in these situations can be a challenge. Special attention needs to be given to cutting height, machine adjustments, and operator control.
It is that time of year again for post-emergent applications of Engenia, Fexapan, and Xtendimax on dicamba-resistant soybeans. In light of the recent court ruling, it is vital that application restrictions are followed closely to prevent non-target dicamba injury to conventional, Enlist, and Liberty Link soybeans.
Producers are likely familiar with timing of limited irrigation to maximize yield in grain crops such as corn or grain sorghum. This article summarizes research from K-State on timing irrigation for maximizing the yield potential in cotton.
Plant analysis is an excellent in-season “quality control” tool. Plant analysis can be used by Kansas farmers in two basic ways: for diagnostic purposes, and for monitoring nutrient levels at a common growth stage.
This article discusses some of the current insect activity in summer row crops in portions of Kansas. Each insect is discussed and is accompanied by photos.
Now that corn is in the ground and growing, harvest in Kansas will be here before you know it. Kansas Corn, in conjunction with K-State Research and Extension, will conduct a 2020 Kansas Corn Yield Contest. Find out more in this article.
The Weed Science group at the K-State Ag Research Center in Hays seeks input from Kansas producers and agriculture professionals. Please complete a brief survey related to weed management practices and herbicide-resistant weed problems