Agronomy eUpdate April 10th, 2020

Issue 794

Soil temperature update for Kansas - April 10, 2020

As air temperatures keep fluctuating, so the soil temperatures. Producers need to closely monitor current soil temps and the upcoming weather forecasts to avoid any potential seedling injury to corn this spring.

corn soil temperature planting date emergence 

Effect of cold temperatures on field peas

Field peas are an emerging alternative crop for producers in northern Kansas. What effect, if any, does a spring frost have on field peas? Northwest Area Agronomist, Lucas Haag, offers his advice about this cool-season legume.

cold tolerance field peas pulse crop alternative crop 

Pre-emergence herbicides for grain sorghum

Pre-emergence herbicide programs for corn were discussed in a recent eUpdate article. The role of pre-emergence herbicides is similar in both corn and grain sorghum, and some herbicides are similar. Read more here from Dr. Sarah Lancaster.

grain sorghum pre-plant herbicide weed control 

Opportunities for on-line training certification for dicamba and paraquat

For producers that intend to use Xtend cotton or soybean in 2020, you will need to have an additional dicamba-specific certification to apply dicamba-containing products labeled for use in these crops. Online training is available.

dicamba paraquat application training 

Record-setting rainfall for southeast Kansas - How wet is it?

It has been quite some time since farmers in southeast Kansas have wished for rain. Just how wet has it been down in that corner of the state? Records have been broken and new ones have been set!

weather rainfall 

Ag-Climate Update for March 2020

Overall, March 2020 will go down as generally warm and wet across the state. Severe weather was limited but a small swatch of hail near Wallace, KS was visible on satellite imagery on March 31. What else happened? Read more in the Ag-Climate Update for March.


K-State's Soil Testing Lab and Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab are OPEN!

Just a reminder that during this time of reduced operations on the K-State campus, the Soil Testing Lab and Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab are both operational. Please read this article for how to submit samples during this time.

Soil Testing Lab Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab