Agronomy eUpdate February 14th, 2020

Issue 785

Pre-plant herbicide applications for kochia control

Now is the time to finalize plans for kochia control. Major flushes of kochia emerge in late February and continue through early April, resulting in dense populations that make adequate herbicide coverage difficult. It is important to apply pre-emergence herbicides in late winter or early spring to control this weed before it emerges.

kochia pre-plant herbicide 

World of Weeds: Stinging nettle

The next article in the World of Weeds series is here! Stinging nettle was chosen in response to a reader request. Learn about the ecology and management options for this weed that can be found growing in disturbed, shady areas.

World of Weeds stinging nettle 

2019 Kansas Performance Tests with Corn Hybrids report now available

The 2019 Kansas Performance Tests with Corn Hybrids report is now available.Corn performance tests are conducted each year by the Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station. Producers and crop consultants can use this resource to help select corn hybrids for their operation.

corn Performance Tests 

Prescribed burning workshops scheduled for 2020

K-State, in cooperation with other agencies, are conducting Prescribed Burning Workshops during February and into early March. These workshops bring together presenters from state and federal agencies.

prescribed burning range 

Don't miss the inaugural Great Plains Cotton Conference, Feb. 25-26 in Wichita

Interest and enthusiasm about cotton is high heading into the 2020 growing season! Don't miss the inaugural Great Plains Cotton Conference on Feb. 25-26 in Wichita. Details on the event are included in this article.

Conference cotton 

2020 Kansas Seed and Crops Conference, February 18-19

The annual business meetings of the Kansas Crop Improvement Association and Kansas Seed Industry Association will take place on February 18-19, 2020, at the Hilton Garden Inn Convention Center in Manhattan, KS.
