Agronomy eUpdate February 7th, 2020

Issue 784

Ag-Climate Update for January 2020

The Ag-Climate Update is a joint effort between our climate and extension specialists. Every month the update includes a brief summary of that month, agronomic impacts, relevant maps and graphs, 1-month temperature and precipitation outlooks, monthly extremes, and notable highlights.


Topdressing wheat with nitrogen: Timing, application methods, sources, and rates

Now is good time for wheat producers to start planning for topdress nitrogen applications, especially for wheat fields that emerged last fall. Learn about the key elements that need to be considered when deciding on the exact fertilizer program.

wheat topdress nitrogen 

Soil Health Spotlight: Soil structure and aggregation

Do you know the difference between the terms soil structure and soil aggregation? What is the relationship between soil aggregation and soil health? What management practices promote aggregation in soils? Get answers to these questions and more in this article from doctoral student Laura Starr.

soil soil health aggregation structure 

Cover crop termination considerations

Now is the time to begin considering how to terminate winter cover crops in preparation for summer crops. Some cover crop species, such as oilseed radish or fall-planted oats, are likely to be killed by freezing over the winter. But, many cover crops will need to be terminated by mechanical or chemical methods in the spring.

weeds cover crops herbicide 

2020 Great Plains Cotton Conference, Feb. 25-26 in Wichita

The inaugural Great Plains Cotton Conference is scheduled for February 25-26 at the Red Roof Inn & Conference Center in Wichita, KS. Presentations will be focused on all things cotton, including pest and nutrient management, varieties, harvest-aids, post-harvest management, economics, and cotton industry updates related to the Great Plains. More details are included in this article.

Conference cotton 

Dryland Soil Health Network meeting - February 18 in Hays

K-State Research and Extension, in collaboration with the USDA, is hosting a Dryland Soil Health Network meeting on February 18 for dryland producers and researchers. The meeting will be held at the K-State Agricultural Research Center in Hays.

soil health dryland