This article is the second in a series reviewing unique or updated label requirements for key herbicides. Paraquat is the active ingredient in the herbicide Gramaxone SL 2.0 and others. When handled carefully, paraquat is an effective weed management tool that would be difficult to replace in terms of effectiveness on hard-to-control species like pigweeds.
Cold winter days are returning! However, it is not always the temperature that gives the air that nip. The “feels like” temperature is usually influenced by the wind as well. We call this the wind chill. Learn about the wind chill analysis tool available from Kansas Mesonet.
Registration is open for the Midwest Cover Crops Council Annual Conference, Feb. 11-12, 2020, in Kansas City, Missouri. The conference will have sessions on both row crop and cattle operations due to the large number of producers in the Kansas City area producing both grain and livestock. The meeting is open to the public.
It's not too late to make plans to attend the 2020 K-State Corn Schools. These schools are designed to provide in-depth training for corn producers across Kansas. While each school’s agenda is tailored for the location, the corn schools will connect with an overall theme of “maximizing advancements in your operation”.
Registration is still open for all the K-State Soybean Schools! Join Extension specialists from agronomy, plant pathology, entomology, and ag economics at any of the 6 locations for in-depth training in soybean production. The schools are sponsored by the Kansas Soybean Commission.
Three K-State Sorghum Production Schools will be offered in late January to provide in-depth training targeted for sorghum producers and key-stakeholders. The schools are sponsored by Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission. Details on how to register can be found in this article.
K-State Research and Extension will host the 17th annual Cover Your Acres Winter Conference for crop producers and consultants on January 14-15 at the Gateway Center in Oberlin, Kansas. The deadline for early registration is January 8. All the details can be found in this article.