Agronomy eUpdate December 20th, 2019

Issue 778

Review of herbicide label requirements: Dicamba

This article is the first in a series reviewing unique or updated label requirements for key herbicides. Certain dicamba products were approved for post-emergence control of weeds in Xtend Soybean in 2017. The labels for these products include some additional requirements intended to reduce the potential for non-target injury caused by herbicide drift.

dicamba drift label requirements 

Kansas crop disease summary for 2019 - Corn, soybeans, and sorghum

What were the most prevalent diseases affecting corn, soybeans, and grain sorghum in Kansas during the 2019 growing season? This article recaps the most active diseases affecting summer row crops and discusses the growing conditions that played the biggest role in their development.

disease summary 

New article series on the "World of Weeds"

This is the first in a series of articles discussing the ecology and management of select weed species. Most will be of agronomic importance, but our first species is one of popular interest for the Christmas season, mistletoe! Mistletoes in the U.S. are typically found on fir, oak, pecan, and walnut trees. The mistletoe most likely to be found in Kansas is oak mistletoe.


Will it be a white Christmas or a white New Year for Kansas?

The last White Christmas in Manhattan was in 2017, when an inch remained on the ground from an earlier storm. The last time snowfall was reported on Christmas Day was in 2009, when 6.1 inches was recorded. What are the chances of snow falling during this holiday season?

winter weather snow 

K-State Sorghum Schools scheduled for late January

Three K-State Sorghum Production Schools will be offered in late January to provide in-depth training targeted for sorghum producers and key-stakeholders. The schools are sponsored by Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission. Get registered soon!

Sorghum Schools  

Cover Your Acres Winter Conference, January 14-15 in Oberlin

K-State Research and Extension will host the 17th annual Cover Your Acres Winter Conference for crop producers and consultants on January 14-15 at the Gateway Center in Oberlin, Kansas. Cover Your Acres is a producer-driven meeting focused on new ideas and research-based updates in crop production in northwest Kansas and the central High Plains region.

Conference Western KS