Agronomy eUpdate November 15th, 2019

Issue 774

Factors to consider in winter survival of wheat

Ideally wheat plants should have at least 1-2 tillers and 3-5 leaves, as well as a good crown root system development, when going into the winter. However, many Kansas wheat fields were sown relatively late this year, and have faced below-average temperatures, which slowed down crop development.

wheat winter hardiness winter survival cold tolerance dry soils 

November weather in like a lion

Just like March, November came in like a lion with very cold temps. What factors played a role in this weather pattern? Will it warm up before winter officially arrives? What is the updated outlook going into December? Our K-State weather team addresses these questions in this article.

weather winter 

Winter Forage Conference scheduled for December 10 in Wichita

Kansas Forage and Grassland Council and Kansas State University will host their annual Winter Forage Conference from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Tues., Dec. 10 at the Sedgwick County K-State Research and Extension Center.

2019 KARA/KSRE Crop Production Update - Dec. 5 & 6 in Salina

The Kansas Agribusiness Retailers Association will host its annual Crop Production Update program inside the Hilton Garden Inn in Salina on December 5-6, 2019. This training, offered in cooperation with K-State Research and Extension, provides the latest research and technological advances in the crop production industry.