Agronomy eUpdate August 9th, 2019

Issue 760

Final irrigation of the growing season - Timing is everything

As the growing season wraps up, producers have an opportunity to improve their water productivity by properly timing their final irrigation application. This is an important decision as an early termination...

irrigation corn sorghum soybeans 

Overview of the 2019 Kansas wheat growing season

The 2019 winter wheat growing season in Kansas was a tale of two crops: one extremely challenged (though resilient) crop in the central and eastern portions of the state, and a crop that was exposed to near-optimal conditions in western Kansas. 

wheat yield results crop progress 

Updated publication examines performance of wheat varieties grown for dual-purpose and grain-only systems

Performance Tests publication wheat 

North Central Experiment Fall Field Day - August 20

All interested individuals are invited to attend the 2019 North Central Experiment Field Day on Tuesday, August 20, at 6:00 p.m. The event will be held at the South Unit experiment field located approximately 2.5 miles west of Scandia on Hwy 36.

Kansas River Valley Fall Field Day - August 13

East Central Experiment Field fall field day - August 21

The East Central Experiment Field in Ottawa will host its fall field day on Wednesday, August 21. The event will begin at 9:00 a.m. with registration, coffee, and doughnuts. The field day program will begin at 9:30 a.m. A complimentary lunch will be served at noon to conclude the event.
