Agronomy eUpdate March 8th, 2019

Issue 735

Kansas wheat crop update - March 8, 2019

The 2018-2019 Kansas wheat crop is a study in contrast, with essentially two separate crops (Figure 1). About 50% of the Kansas wheat crop was planted in a timely manner and benefited from ample fall moisture. These fields are usually well developed and, with the ample profile moisture, likely have a high yield potential.

wheat crop progress 

Topdressing wheat with nitrogen: Timing, application methods, sources, and rates

In a normal year, producers would start planning for topdressing nitrogen (N) on the winter wheat crop in early February.

wheat topdress nitrogen 

A storm is brewing...spring fieldwork troubles

spring soil soil moisture 

Nitrogen loss potential during the winter and fertilizer options this spring

fertilizer nitrogen winter spring spring fertilizer 

Managing spring-planted cover crops for grazing

cover crops grazing spring planting 

K-State Agronomy is sad to announce the passing of Dr. Stan Ehler

Ag-Climate Update for February
