Agronomy eUpdate March 27th, 2025

Issue 1046

First hollow stem update - March 24, 2025

Cattle should be removed from wheat pastures when the crop reaches first hollow stem. Grazing past this stage can severely affect wheat yields. As of March 24, four wheat varieties have reached the first hollow stem stage of development. Wheat producers should be monitoring their wheat pastures closely.

wheat dual purpose grazing first hollow stem 

Mixing ammonium thiosulfate with herbicides: Considerations for spring applications

With spring burndown applications well underway, we've recently had some questions about mixing ammonium thiosulfate (ATS) with herbicides. This article discusses using ATS as a carrier and an ammonium sulfate (AMS) replacement as a water conditioner and adjuvant.

herbicide application ATS ammonium thiosulfate herbicide carrier adjuvant 

The role of water quality on effective herbicide applications

Understanding spray water quality is a crucial first step for successful herbicide applications. Water quality has a significant impact on herbicide efficacy. This article will focus on the effects of water quality on herbicide efficacy, particularly in postemergence applications.

herbicide application water quality spray water 

Outlook for stripe rust in the 2025 Kansas wheat crop is optimistic

Over the last ten years, stripe rust has been one of the most damaging wheat diseases in Kansas. Several factors contribute to the development and severity of stripe rust in our region. Weather conditions in Texas can be important indicators of how bad stripe rust will be in Kansas.

wheat disease stripe rust leaf rust 

Foliar fungicide efficacy ratings for wheat disease management

The K-State Research and Extension publication Foliar Fungicide Efficacy for Wheat Disease Management has been updated for 2025. The recommendations in this publication reflect several years of head-to-head comparisons of products in Kansas and many other wheat-producing states.

wheat publication disease foliar fungicides efficacy 

Sunflower production: Matching hybrids to market needs

Have you considered growing sunflowers as part of your summer crop plans? Sunflower producers have a number of market types to choose from when deciding to raise a sunflower crop. Specific hybrid types should be selected to meet a particular market. Learn more in this article.

hybrid selection sunflowers markets hybrids 

K-State Plant Disease Diagnostic Laboratory fee adjustments

Effective April 1, 2025, the K-State Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab will slightly increase service fees. This adjustment allows us to continue providing quality diagnostic services while continually upgrading our testing technologies. Also, this article shares tips for collecting and submitting high-quality plant samples.

Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab 
