Producers should topdress with nitrogen, sulfur, and possibly boron in late winter to maximize the yield potential of winter canola. Producers should make topdress applications with consideration for the environmental conditions, the nutrients needed, and the application method. The typical time to topdress winter canola is during the rosette stage.
Winter wheat is starting to break dormancy. For dual-purpose systems, the date of grazing termination is an important factor in determining wheat's recovery potential and ability to produce grain. First hollow stem is the optimal time to remove cattle from wheat pastures to protect grain yield potential.
This is the first report for 2025 on the status of first hollow stem of 16 wheat varieties sown last September at the South Central Experiment Field near Hutchinson. We will report the progress of first hollow stem during the next few weeks until all varieties are past this stage.
This World of Weeds article will focus on wild buckwheat, sometimes called black bindweed. This annual vining plant is often confused with field bindweed because of their similar leaf shapes and growth habits. This article will examine key differences between the two weeds.
There are only two more Crop Talk webinars left for 2025! The next one is set for March 4 at noon (CT) and will feature Lucas Haag sharing information about dryland tillage and rotations. The series will wrap the following week on March 11 with information about corn stunt. Don't miss these!
Mark your calendars for two upcoming Wheat Rx seminars! The first seminar will take place in Salina on March 11. The second seminar will be held in Colby on March 12. Speakers will discuss variety selection, weed control, disease management, soil fertility, and more. Get registered today!