Agronomy eUpdate January 30th, 2025

Issue 1037

Preplant herbicide applications for kochia control

Now is the time to finalize plans for kochia control. In western Kansas, kochia is among the first summer annual weeds to emerge in the spring. Good control of the first dense flush of kochia is essential for obtaining a good crop yield. This article will be the first in a series discussing specific options for various cropping scenarios.

kochia pre-plant herbicide pre-emergence residual herbicides 

Wheat variety fall forage yield comparison for 2024-25

Fall forage yield is an essential aspect of dual-purpose wheat production. The K-State Wheat Production Group compares the forage yield of several commonly grown wheat varieties and upcoming lines every year. This article summarizes the results from the latest wheat variety fall forage yield trials.

wheat fall forage dual purpose 

World of Weeds - Old World Bluestems

Old World Bluestems (OWB) are the focus of this World of Weeds article. They are very competitive with native species and are prolific seed producers. The invasive nature and relatively low palatability of quickly maturing OWBs allow them to increase once established. Learn more about identification and management options in this article.

World of Weeds Old World Bluestem 

Join the conversation on cover crops by participating in a new survey

Kansas State University, in collaboration with the Colorado Conservation Tillage Association and the Kansas Natural Resources Conservation Service, invites all producers from the semi-arid Great Plains region to participate in a survey that will gain insight into how producers view incorporating cover crops into their cropping systems.

survey cover crops 

K-State Weed Management Schools scheduled for mid-February

Controlling difficult weeds continues to be a significant challenge for producers. To address the topic of weed control, K-State Research and Extension has scheduled five regional weed control programs across northwest and north central Kansas in February.

weed management meetings  

K-State Crop Talk webinar series kicks off on February 11

The popular K-State Crop Talk online webinar series is back and set to start on February 11. The Crop Talk series will highlight several topics important to crop producers in north central and northwest Kansas. Each webinar will be delivered only in a virtual format and will last one hour starting at noon (CT). Don't miss this series!

virtual webinars Crop Talk  

Wheat Rx seminar on February 12 in Salina

A prescription for producing high-yielding and high-quality wheat is just what the doctor ordered for Kansas wheat producers. Get registered for an upcoming seminar on February 12 at the Great Plains Corporate Office in Salina, KS. Speakers will discuss variety selection, weed control, disease management, soil fertility, and more.

Wheat Rx wheat seminar 
