Agronomy eUpdate November 14th, 2024

Issue 1029

Learn how to examine soil for signs of compaction

Every year, questions arise about soil compaction. Now is a good time to investigate soil profiles for signs of compaction. Using a spade, soil probe, or tile probe is a good way to learn about the soil profile and whether there may be a compaction layer.

soil compaction compaction 

Post-harvest field work: Deep tillage considerations

Now that row crop harvest is over in Kansas, some farmers might consider performing deep tillage to alleviate compaction. Research studies commonly conclude that deep tillage is only beneficial if the zone of compaction is truly root-limiting. This article answers several frequently asked questions related to deep tillage.

deep tillage soil compaction 

Control of mustards in wheat - Timely treatment is important

Mustard plants are often not noticed until they bloom in the spring. To minimize yield losses, mustards should be controlled by late winter or very early spring before the stems begin to elongate or bolt. If mustards are present in the fall, they can be controlled by various active ingredients.

wheat mustards weed control herbicide timing 

Fall weather summary and winter outlook for Kansas

The first two months of meteorological fall, September and October, have been unseasonably warm and drier than normal. However, November has started with multiple rounds of heavy rains in many locations across Kansas. What should we expect this winter? This article looks ahead and summarizes the last two months of weather for Kansas.

weather Climate winter outlook 

2024 K-State Crop Pest Management Schools - Nov. 19 and 20

K-State Research and Extension and the Northwest/North Central Extension Districts are hosting two Crop Pest Management Schools in mid-November. Join us in person to learn how to control the latest pests, weeds, insects, and diseases affecting all crops in central and western Kansas.

Crop Pest Schools meetings 

Don't miss the K-State/KARA Crop Production Update on Dec. 4-5

Have you registered for the 2024 Crop Production Update, hosted by the Kansas Agribusiness Retailers Association and K-State Research and Extension? This training provides the latest research and technological advances in weed and insect control, fertilizer and chemical recommendations, crop production, water management, soil fertility, and more.

KARA meeting crop production 

Sorghum Connection Series Extends Support to Kansas Growers with Winter Series

The Sorghum Connection Series continues this winter with one-day events across central and western Kansas. The events will be held in Salina on Dec. 4, Hays on Dec. 5, and Garden City on Dec. 6. Attendees will gain valuable insights from K-State researchers on critical topics related to sorghum production. Don't miss out!

sorghum grain sorghum meeting Sorghum Connection