Agronomy eUpdate July 18th, 2024

Issue 1012

Estimating corn yield potential using the yield component method

With many corn fields in Kansas already in reproductive stages, it is time to assess grain yield potential. One way to estimate corn yield is using the yield component method, which uses a combination of known and projected yield components. This article walks through this method with an example yield potential example.

corn yield potential yield estimates yield components 

Wheat streak mosaic virus: control of volunteer wheat is crucial

This past season, we have seen widespread wheat streak mosaic virus across Kansas. Producers should be vigilant about volunteer management between now and planting. Volunteer wheat control is one of the most important preventative measures for wheat streak mosaic virus.

disease volunteer wheat wheat streak mosaic wheat curl mite wheat green bridge 

Control options for warm-season perennial grasses

Grass species such as tumble windmillgrass, tumblegrass, and purple three-awn are challenging to control when they have established a perennial stand. This article addresses the few options available to help control these troublesome weeds in Kansas.

weed control warm-season perennial grass 

Grasshopper populations in Kansas remain elevated

Weather patterns and abundant grassy and broad-leaf weeds have supported large grasshopper populations in western and central Kansas this year. While most summer row crops are likely mature enough to withstand some defoliation, some fields may warrant treatment if the insect pressure is high. Looking ahead, fall-planted crops could be at risk after they emerge.

insects grasshoppers 

Two new Area Agronomists join K-State Research and Extension

Two new faculty members recently joined the K-State Agronomy family. Logan Simon is an assistant professor of agronomy and is the Southwest Area Agronomist in Garden City. Assuming the role of Northeast Area Agronomist is Tina Sullivan, assistant professor of agronomy. Learn more about each of them in this article.

new faculty 

K-State survey of cotton grower perspectives

Cotton has established a place in Kansas. K-State Research & Extension wants to hear from cotton growers to understand better the current status of cotton production and emerging challenges. Please consider completing a short survey to help guide cotton research and extension programming in Kansas.

survey cotton 

Two regional winter canola meetings scheduled for Kansas and Oklahoma in early August

Kansas State University, Oklahoma State University, and the Great Plains Canola Association will host two regional winter canola meetings on August 6 and 7. The meetings will cover production topics such as pre-season and in-season nitrogen management, winter survival, and harvest options. There will also be a grower panel and variety performance information.

canola winter canola meetings 

Kansas River Valley Experiment Field Fall Field Day, August 13

All interested individuals are invited to attend the 2024 Kansas River Valley Experiment Field Day on Tuesday, August 13, at 5:00 p.m. The event will be held at the Rossville Experiment Field. This is a free event with a meal provided. This article provides more information on the agenda and pre-registration.

Fall Field Day River Valley  

East Central Experiment Field Fall Field Day, August 21

All interested individuals are invited to attend the 2024 East Central Experiment Field Day on Wednesday, August 21, at 9:00 a.m. at the Ottawa Experiment Field. This is a free event, and no pre-registration is required. Check out this article for the topics covered and directions to the field.

Fall Field Day East Central