Agronomy eUpdate June 27th, 2024

Issue 1010

Consider the value of soil residue before baling or burning wheat stubble

Some producers might think about baling or burning their wheat stubble following wheat harvest. While burning is inexpensive and baling provides additional income, it is important to understand the true value of leaving crop residue in the field. Learn more in this article from soil management specialist DeAnn Presley.

wheat erosion burning crop residue wind erosion 

Identifying nutrient deficiency symptoms in soybeans

As the growing season for soybeans progresses, the plants may begin showing signs of chlorosis or other leaf discoloration in all or parts of the field. There may be many causes of this discoloration. Nutrient deficiencies are one possibility. This article will briefly discuss various nutrient deficiencies and how to identify them in the field.

soybeans nutrient deficiency soil fertility chlorosis 

Palmer amaranth control in grain sorghum

When the aggressive nature of Palmer amaranth is combined with the limited post-emergence herbicide options in grain sorghum, problems often arise even when an adequate preemergence herbicide program is used. This article covers post-emergence herbicide options for Palmer amaranth control in grain sorghum.

weeds grain sorghum weed control palmer amaranth 

Japanese Beetles and Burrowing Bugs make their annual appearance in Kansas

Japanese Beetles and Burrowing bugs have been seen in Kansas corn and soybean fields. Learn about plant hosts for these insects and management considerations.

soybeans corn Japanese beetles Burrowing bugs