Agronomy eUpdate June 13th, 2024

Issue 1008

Managing late tillers in wheat as harvest approaches in Kansas

Rainfall and cooler temperatures during the past few weeks have resulted in a flush of late, green tillers in the wheat over much of Kansas. This can create a problem, especially for wheat that is approaching harvest maturity. Should you wait to harvest until most green heads have matured or start harvesting anyway? Learn more in this article.

wheat harvest late tillers 

Considerations for late-planted soybeans

Producers should consider a few key management practices where soybean planting has been delayed (or in double-crop soybean systems). Also, planting in the right soil conditions is essential for establishing an adequate soybean canopy and improving the chances of increasing the yield potential.

soybeans late planting planting date maturity group 

Herbicide applications and high temperatures

Much warmer temperatures are forecast for the latter part of June across Kansas. If you are planning herbicide applications, there are some important considerations when applying these chemicals during periods of high temperatures.

weather herbicides high temperatures herbicide application 

Cut-off dates approaching for XtendiMax, Engenia, and Tavium applications

Farmers planning to apply XtendiMax, Engenia, or Tavium to their dicamba-resistant soybeans have about two weeks remaining to make those herbicide applications. These are the only dicamba-containing products labeled for over-the-top use in dicamba-resistant soybean and cotton. The last day these products can legally be applied to soybeans is June 30.

label requirements dicamba pesticide application 

Chinch bug activity in Kansas

In Kansas, chinch bugs are a perennial pest of just about any grass. In crops, they mainly affect grain sorghum but are occasionally problematic in corn and wheat. This is primarily due to timing. As wheat begins drying out, the bugs seek a new food source, often an adjacent field of seedling sorghum.

insects grain sorghum chinch bugs pests 

Spring precipitation: A season of contrasts across Kansas in 2024

Meteorological spring 2024 began on March 1 and ended on May 31. Kansas's precipitation totals ranged from less than 1 inch to more than 20 inches. In this report, we examine the varied precipitation totals across the state during the past three months.

spring weather precipitation rainfall