Agronomy eUpdate June 6th, 2024

Issue 1007

Low levels of Tar Spot have been confirmed in Kansas

Low levels of tar spot has been confirmed in several corn fields in Doniphan and Atchison counties in Kansas. These are the first documents reports of tar spot in the U.S. for this growing season. Now is the time to intensify scouting efforts. Once significant disease pressure is in the upper canopy, a fungicide application may be too late.

corn disease foliar diseases tar spot 

Management options for control of field bindweed

Last week's eUpdate featured an article on field bindweed focusing on its ecology, growth characteristics, and identification methods. This week, the focus is on developing effective long-term control strategies for this troublesome weed that impacts Kansas farmers. A good control program will include cultivation, herbicide use, and competitive crops.

weeds weed control bindweed field bindweed 

Herbicide applications: Avoid a tank-mix mishap

Tank-mixing herbicides and other agrichemicals is necessary to increase weed control and use machine hours wisely. Unfortunately, the likelihood of physical incompatibility increases as the number of products added to a tank-mix increases. This article will briefly overview the principles of tank-mix order for herbicide applications.

label requirements herbicides herbicide application tank mix 

Annual Forage Insurance Part 1: Policy Basics

Annual Forage Insurance (AFI) protects policyholders if annual forage crops yield poorly due to insufficient rainfall. The deadline to purchase AFI is July 15 for any annual forage crop planted from August 2024 to July 2025. This article covers key AFI policy characteristics.

forage forage insurance 

Annual Forage Insurance Part 2: Interval Selection

This article is the second part of a two-article series on annual forage insurance. It focuses on interval selection and the best strategies to follow when selecting intervals. The first article, which covers policy basics, can be found in this eUpdate.

forages forage insurance 

2024 Kansas Wheat Plot Tours - Updated Schedule

The last week of 2024 Kansas Wheat Plot Tours is coming up! Check out the remaining dates and locations so you don't miss out on a tour near you. These tours provide a great opportunity to learn about the newest available and upcoming wheat varieties.

wheat plot tours wheat  
