Agronomy eUpdate April 18th, 2024

Issue 1000

Celebrating 1,000 issues of the Extension Agronomy eUpdate!

Today, we proudly announce the 1,000th issue of the Extension Agronomy eUpdate, a testament to over 18 years of dedication, innovation, and collaboration. This article reflects on the countless hours of research, our contributors' dedication, and our readers' support. We hope you enjoy learning about the creation and early years of the eUpdate.


White grub damage in brome fields

White grubs, the larvae of beetles commonly known as May beetles and June beetles, can be pests of many different commodities. Dead patches in brome fields in Kansas have recently been reported. While the extent and severity of damage varied, white grubs were easily found in the soil in all cases. Learn more about this pest and options if your brome fields are affected.

pastures replanting brome grubs grub worms 

Soil temperature, weather forecast, and seed quality are critical for cotton establishment

When cotton gets off to a good, uniform start, the crop can overcome many stresses and produce profitable lint yields. When is the best time to plant cotton in Kansas? This article discusses the importance of soil temperature at planting, the forecasted weather, and seed quality when trying to achieve good establishment.

weather cotton soil temperature seed quality planting conditions 

Control of late-emerging kochia in wheat or wheat stubble

Getting kochia under control in any cropping system that includes wheat requires control in the wheat crop during the spring and shortly after wheat harvest. This is not always easy, even if early spring herbicide applications for kochia control were made. This article discusses options for controlling late-emerged kochia in wheat.

wheat kochia herbicide resistance 

Weed resistance to WSSA Group 2 herbicides is widespread: What do growers need to know?

Weed resistance to WSSA Group 2 herbicides is a global challenge that all growers, including those of major crops in Kansas, must be aware of. This crucial issue directly impacts their crop management strategies and overall productivity.

weed control herbicide resistance Group 2 herbicides 

2024 Kansas Wheat Plot Tours - Preliminary Schedule

The Department of Agronomy and K-State Research and Extension will host several winter wheat variety plot tours in different regions of the state starting May 15, 2024. This article contains a preliminary list of dates and locations. Additional details for each location will be added soon. Make plans to attend a plot tour near you.

wheat plot tours wheat