Cover crop field day: November 29 in Holton, Kansas

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A cover crop field day will take place on November 29 from 9:30 am to 12:00 pm. Topics to be covered include:

  • Benefits of planting cover crops
  • Selecting a cover crop – Midwest Cover Crop Council
  • Grazing management on cover crops
  • Life in the soil – Build organic matter
  • Infiltration
  • Funding programs available for implantation of cover crops
  • Cover crops in brome – Benefits to wildlife

Featured speakers include:

  • Dr. DeAnn Presley, K-State Research and Extension
  • David Hallauer, Meadowlark Extension District
  • Jamie Johnson, NRCS
  • Tyler Warner, KDW&P
  • Henry Hill and Kurt Kathrens, producers

There is no cost to attend the field day and registration is not required. The event will take place on producers Henry Hill and Kurt Kathrens’ cropland fields – 254th and S Road, Holton, KS.  Go 3 miles north of Holton to 254th road, then east to S Road. A noon lunch will be held at El Milagro in Holton.

For detailed information on sponsors, please see the field day flier below.

Questions should be directed to Roberta Spencer, Jackson County Conservation District, at 785-364-3329, ext. 136

