Winter Canola Preplant School, August 28 in Wichita

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Winter canola yields in Kansas were down in 2018 yet better than expected in some areas. On August 28, producers can learn more about how canola performed in 2018 and what it takes to raise a successful crop.

A winter canola preplant school will be held in Wichita at the Sedgwick County Extension Education Center, 7001 W. 21st Street N., beginning at 10:00 a.m. The event is free but those interested in attending should RSVP by calling 316-660-0143 or by Friday, August 24 so that an accurate count can be made for lunch.

Ongoing research has shown ways in which producers can be more cost efficient in canola production. K-State has been working diligently to better understand seeding rate and row spacing questions. In addition, varieties continue to change rapidly and we are excited about some of the newest commercial varieties available to growers.

There have been some ups and downs in the industry recently, but through these experiences we have come to understand a great deal about why we still need canola in our rotations.

Topics for discussion at the preplant school include what to do -- and what not to do -- in canola production, seeding rates and row spacing, variety and hybrid performance, winter survival, and economics. Information on marketing the crop will also be available.


Mike Stamm, Canola Breeder

