Sorghum Production Schools scheduled at four locations in February

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A series of four K-State Sorghum Production Schools will be offered in early February 2014 to provide in-depth training targeted for sorghum producers and other agribusiness professionals. The Schools will be sponsored by Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission (KGSC), and supported by the United Sorghum Checkoff, Chromatin, Inc., KFRM radio station, and Bayer CropScience.

The dates and locations are:

  • Feb. 11 – Scott City – William Carpenter 4 H Building
  • Feb. 12 – Beloit – NC Kansas Technical College Auditorium
  • Feb. 13 – Wichita – Sedgwick County Extension Center
  • Feb. 14 – Manhattan – International Grain Programs Building

The one-day schools will cover a number of issues facing sorghum growers: sorghum for risk management; irrigation management; weed control strategies; crop production practices, nutrient and soil fertility, insect, and disease management.

Certification (CCA) credits will be offered. More information on this specific point will be provided in future issues of the Agronomy eUpdate.

Ignacio Ciampitti, Crop Production/ Cropping Systems Specialist

Curtis Thompson, Weed Management
