Soil Health and Cropping System Sustainability Field Day - April 5

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K-State Research and Extension, in collaboration with the Department of Agronomy, Kansas Wheat, and Kansas Corn, is hosting a Soil Health and Cropping System Sustainability Field Day on April 5 from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. The free event starts at the Kansas Soil Health Partnership research field near Solomon, KS. After some presentations in the morning, attendees will move to the Knopf Farms near Gypsum to finish the field day. Coffee and pastries will be provided at the first location, and lunch will be provided at Knopf Farms.

If you are interested in attending, please register at

The specific locations and agendas are:

10199 E Country Club Rd, Solomon – Kansas Soil Health Partnership Research Field

10:30 a.m. – Welcome and KSHP Background – Justin Knopf & Carlos Pires

10:40 a.m. – Soil Health and Regen Ag Principles (soil pit) – Chuck Rice & Cesar Guareschi

11:00 a.m. – 5 years of On-Farm Soil Health Data and Indicators (soil pit) – Carlos Pires & Chuck Rice

11:30 a.m. – Insights from a Cover Crop and Regen Ag Practitioner. Open conversation with researchers and Justin Knopf.

12:15 p.m.  – Move to Knopf Farms


6229 S Kipp Road, Gypsum – Knopf Farms

12:30 p.m. – Lunch

1:00 p.m. – Kansas Corn update

1:10 p.m. – Kansas Wheat update

1:20 p.m. –  Beyond Grain: Benefits of Wheat to Cropping Systems – Romulo Lollato

2:00 p.m. – Getting Ready for Corn Season – Ana Carcedo and Victor Gimenez


A poster for a farm field dayDescription automatically generated

Tags:  soil health Field Day