2024 Kansas Corn and Soybean Virtual School - February 22

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Did you miss one of the in-person Corn and Soybean Schools? The last of the Kansas Soybean and Corn Schools is being offered as a virtual event on February 22, 2024. There is still time to register for this school, which is being hosted by K-State Research and Extension, Kansas Corn, Kansas Soybean and the Department of Agronomy,

The online session on Feb. 22 will run from 6:00 to 8:00 pm using the Zoom online platform. To receive the Zoom link, you must register at https://kscorn.com/schools/.

Presentations start at 6 p.m.

  • Corn and Soybean Markets, Dr. Dan O’Brien
  • Agronomics for Corn and Soybean Production, Dr. Ignacio Ciampitti
  • Update on Corn Diseases, Dr. Rodrigo Onofre
  • Updates from Kansas Soybean and Kansas Corn


A corn and soybean schoolDescription automatically generated


Ignacio Ciampitti, Farming Systems

Tags:  Corn Schools Soybean Schools virtual