Oakley CL: New wheat variety released by K-State

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Oakley CL is a new hard red winter, Clearfield variety released this fall by the Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station. This variety was developed at K-State’s Agricultural Research Center-Hays from a cross made by Joe Martin, retired wheat breeder at ARC-Hays. Oakley CL was tested as experimental number KS09H19-2-3. Its pedigree is Above/Danby//KS03HW10.

Oakley CL is a one-gene Clearfield wheat variety, which contains a single gene for tolerance to Beyond herbicide. It has performed very well in northwest Kansas in recent years of testing. In two years of dryland testing in northwest Kansas, in the 2011 and 2012 Kansas Intra-State Yield Nursery trials, this variety had more than 5 percent higher yield than Danby, one of the most adapted varieties in western Kansas.

Oakley CL has competitive yield when compared to other Clearfield wheat varieties in western Kansas. In the 2011 Clearfield Qualification trial at Hays, it yielded over 11 percent more than the one-gene Clearfield check variety Above. In the 2013 Kansas Wheat Performance Test trial, the average yield of Oakley CL from three northwest Kansas dryland testing sites was 6 percent higher than that of Brawl CL Plus, a recently released two-gene Clearfield wheat variety from Colorado State University. Its yield potential under irrigation has not been adequately tested at this time.

This new variety has very good resistance to wheat streak mosaic virus and stripe rust. It is the second hard red wheat variety that has the WSM2 gene for wheat streak mosaic virus resistance. The other variety is Limagrain’s T163. Field testing in 2012 and 2013 showed that Oakley CL has very good resistance to both 2010 and 2012 races of stripe rust. It is moderately susceptible to leaf rust and soilborne mosaic virus, and susceptible to Hessian fly. Its best area of adaptation will be western Kansas.

It also has good milling and baking quality. It has very good mixing tolerance and slightly longer mixing time. Its test weight is about the average, at 60 lb/bu.

Oakley CL is medium late and medium tall. It has good straw strength and good resistance to grain shattering and pre-harvest sprouting.

Registered and certified seed of Oakley CL will be available in the fall of 2014.

Guorong Zhang, Wheat Breeder, Agricultural Research Center-Hays
